Moby Dick Reading Journal Chapters 99-104

Since I have undertaken to manhandle this Leviathan, it behooves me to approve myself omnisciently exhaustive in the enterprise; not overlooking the minutest seminal germs of his blood, and spinning him out to the uttermost coil of his bowels. Ooooo-kay! In reading that line, I finally understand the long, rambling, un-plotted purpose for ALL THOSE … Continue reading Moby Dick Reading Journal Chapters 99-104

Moby Dick Journal – Chapters 35-47

"What do ye do when ye see a whale, men?" "Sing out for him!" Sorry I missed last week's update! I was out of town, camping with my family and making new friends. It was a magical weekend, so no regrets on my part. 🙂 But I never stopped reading, so now you're getting two … Continue reading Moby Dick Journal – Chapters 35-47

My 5-Star Reading System

Think of it as a ‘brownie points’ system. Award yourself as many ‘brownie points’ as there are Stars for each book you read. If you read Diary of a Whimpy Kid, you get 1 brownie point. But if you read Jane Eyre, you get 5! Make sense? If you read Jane Eyre(5 stars), A Tale … Continue reading My 5-Star Reading System