Taking the Fairy Tale Blog in a New Direction!

If you haven’t noticed yet, the Fairy Tale Blog has a whole new look and layout. While the reason for this is very exciting, I apologize if you’ve tried to navigate around the website in the past few days – it’s been a bit chaotic! But believe me, it’s been well-worth it.

For years now, I have used the Fairy Tale Blog as my personal platform for releasing my thoughts, short stories, and poetry – you’re basic personal blog, and I’m so grateful to everyone who has followed me, commented, and liked my content during this time.

I’ve desired for some time, however, to take the Fairy Tale Blog to new heights. I’ve wanted to find and build a community of classical readers, but I’ve struggled with knowing how I could best benefit and contribute to such a community. I want to help other readers who love the classics, to connect with them, and provide them with what they want and need, but what would that look like? Now, at last, I have finally decided on the right answer!

The Fairy Tale Blog is now the place to find your next classical read! With articles on helpful reading advice and classical book blurbs and summaries, my goal is to help you approach the classics with ease and delight!

The solution first came to me when I realized that reading the classics is hard. ‘Duh!’ you cry in response, and well you might, for it is often the simplest things that take us forever to realize. I thought that reading classics was difficult for just me, and that for other people it came easily. But that’s just not true: it comes hard to everyone, and some people might have an easier time, but that doesn’t mean they don’t struggle.

For each and every one of us, reading the greats is a true challenge, and we are all in desperate need of a community to help us know how to read them, why to read them, and which ones to pick up.

After all, we may have heard of Hunchback of Notre Dame, but maybe all we know is the Disney version, and we don’t know why we should read Victor Hugo. How is the book different? When was it written? What is its significance? These, and questions like them, are what I plan to address here.

I will be providing:

  • brief descriptions of classics,
  • introductions to the greatest authors,
  • the compilations of the best book illustrations,
  • directions to where you can obtain excellent book editions, and
  • the steps necessary to make reading the classics a part of your life!

If you struggle to stay motivated while reading classics, are at a loss to know which books to try, and want to stay up-to-date on all the advice, tips, and recommendations that I’ll be putting out there, then please sign up to join my Monthly Newsletter!

Invite your friends to visit us! Encourage one another to read more classics! And the next time you’re looking for a great book to read, come here for help to find it!

What classics would you like to see featured? What are your reading struggles? Let me know in the comments below!

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